Maximizing Moments December 2015


Maximizing Moments is a periodic newsletter that is designed to help make your precious travel time more memorable – in many ways.  Enjoy!

In This Issue:
5 Travel Habits to Break in 2016
2016 The Year To Use Your Vacation Days
Brownell Travels the World 2015
New Year's Travel Resolutions
5 Travel Habits to Break in 2016
Ready or not, 2016 is just around the corner. And as you gear up for new adventures in the coming year, it’s time to identify the travel habits to break that we all fall prey to and change them. Make 2016 the year for travel and exploring new destinations, but leave these 5 habits behind!
1. Forgetting to check your passport expiration.
We really can’t say this enough. . Check your passport and renew it when it is 6 months from expiration. Some countries require your passport to be valid 3-6 months after your intended date of departure (looking at you, Europe). So if it expires in March and you’re traveling in January to Spain, you’re not going. Refer to State Department website for country specific information.
2. Overpacking
You really don’t need all those shoes. And 8 pairs of pants. And 9 tops. For 5 days in the Caribbean. Pack basics that you can mix and match and dress up with accessories…that way you’ll have plenty of room for souvenirs.
3. Staying Connected All. The. Time.
We get social media (and we love it! Follow us on FacebookInstagramTwitter,and Pinterest!). We understand checking emails constantly. But when we travel, we know to unplug and enjoy the destination. You don’t travel halfway across the world to follow what everyone's doing at home. And you can share your photos at the end of the day (using #smithluxurytravel, of course!) rather than stressing about finding a wifi zone so everyone can see how tasty your French pastries look.
4. Staying in your Comfort Zone
Yes, your hometown is nice. And your go-to getaway spot is great too. But wouldn’t you like to get out of your comfort zone and go somewhere you’ve never been? Maybe even somewhere where the people don’t speak the same language as you, wear the same clothes as you, or eat the same food as you? Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You’ll learn to truly appreciate different cultures and have a deeper appreciation for your own.
5. “Someday” is not a day of the week
“Someday I’ll take a cooking class in Italy…” “Someday I’ll go on safari and see a lion in its natural habitat…” “Someday I’ll lay on the pristine beaches in the Caribbean…” Enough is enough. Let’s make that someday a reality and start planning!

How to Use Your Vacation Days in 2016

This is Part 1 of a Series on How to Use Those Vacation Days That You Never Get Around to Taking, Based On the Number of Days You Desire to Use. Part 1 Provides Ideas For Quick Getaways of 3-4 Days. We Will Follow With Options For 5-7, 8-10, and 11-14 Day Holidays.

Every year, Americans leave 429 million vacation days on the table and are taking the least amount of vacation in over 30 years. However, science says travel makes you smarter and more creative and you should spend money on experiences, not things. So let’s make 2016 the year to use your vacation days! Whether you plan a long two-week adventure or have a few long weekend trips, take the time to unwind and unplug. We share the top trips for 2016 based on how many days you have below.
3-4 DAYS
Especially if you’re based on the East Coast, Bermuda is just a quick flight away. If you’re into golf, spas, or just relaxing on the beach, this is the place to be.

Bermuda 1a Bermuda 2 Bermuda 3

Jackson Hole
Ahhh, Jackson Hole: where amazing outdoor activities meet fine dining and five-star hotels. Head here if you need some R&R and fresh mountain air.

Jackson Hole 1 Jackson Hole 2 Jackson Hole 3

Turks & Caicos
Paradise is only a short flight away. Turks & Caicos features pristine beaches, crystal clear water, amazing restaurants, and fabulous properties.

T&C 1 T&C 2T&C 3

With the vineyards in the north and the sunny beaches in the south, California has something for everyone. Explore one area at a time, or if you have more than 4 days, plan a road trip up the coast.

California 1 California 2 California 3

Thanks to 2 major airports and a central location, Chicago is easy to get to from many cities in the US. And with fabulous shopping, plenty of sports teams, tons of dining options, and top hotels, the Windy City is sure to satisfy everyone!

Chicago 3 Chicago 2 Chicago 1

Brownell Travels the World 2015

Brownell Advisors traveled all over the world this year – from Bhutan to Borneo, Chile to China, Turkey to Turks & Caicos. We share photos from a few of the trips in the video link below. Enjoy!

My 2016 plan is to be present in many of these photos! Look out world, here I come - again - but this time to help my clients make the best memories rather than seeing the world but notREALLY SEEING it!

To view the fantastic video of travel photos, use this link:

Travel New Years Resolutions

Ready or not, 2016 is almost here! As you think about ways to improve yourself in the New Year, don’t forget to make travel New Year’s Resolutions! We share 7 below.

1. I will use my vacation days (see above).  All of them.Don’t be one of the many Americans that leave unused vacation days on the table. Pick a spot, whether it’s the next city over or halfway around the world, and go. (PS – need ideas? See the feature above).
2. I will stop making dumb travel mistakesForgetting to renew your passport, having to pay excess baggage fees (or load your carry-on with clothes from your checked bag at the counter—the horror!), not telling your bank where and when you’ll be traveling…the list goes on and on. Don’t make these rookie mistakes in 2016.
3. I will step out of my comfort zone. Far off destinations sound amazing but many people don’t have the guts to get out of their comfort zone. Skip your go-to spot for somewhere a little more exotic and a lot more exciting. That could mean somewhere within a 2-hour flight or across the world.
4. I will make my long term travel plan. We all have dream destinations, but it takes planning to make those dreams a reality. Look at the next 5-10 years and see where the trips can fit in. When you can see where everyone in your family will be in 5 years (kids graduating college = no more summer, winter, and spring breaks!), you’ll realize that big trip you keep putting off needs to happen sooner rather than later. And if you’re serious about creating and sticking to a long-term travel plan, askJoanne at Smith Luxury Travel about theBrownell Bucket List!
5. I will enjoy the trip and share photos later. This one is especially hard when we’re all used to being constantly connected with each other. But a vacation is for getting away…from email, social media, text messages, etc. So put the phone down, and take a nap on a beach or go on a hike. You can share photos later! (and when you do, be sure to mention @smithtravel use the #smithluxurytravel hashtag!)
6. I will embrace different cultures. Don’t go to a new destination and expect it to be like home. It won’t. The food is different, the customs are different, the dress is different, and the culture is different. And different is good! Don’t compare it to what you’re used to but embrace it. Who knows, you mind discover a new dish, piece of clothing, or custom you want to bring home!
7. I will make travel a priority. Because material things gather dust, but travel makes memories. Don’t put off getting away and spending quality time with loved ones. Go. Explore. Discover More.

Happy New Year 2016 1

Thank your for reading the December 2015 issue of Maximizing Moments!

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